Scrapbook 54-55

Dear Betsy,

This is to send heartfelt greetings and good wishes your way on your July 14 birthday celebration.  I want to reiterate my gratitude to you for the tireless commitment you made to NEXUS at just the right time for us. Our professional collaboration was ideal, resulting in many years of wonderfully successful NEXUS performances – artistically and financially – all made possible because of the skill and understanding you had in connecting the interests of our ensemble with the needs of so many different concert presenters. 

With an ongoing deep appreciation for you, Bill and your family . . . .


Yours always,

Bill Cahn / NEXUS

Dear BG,

I’m thinking about you on your 90th birthday and feeling grateful for having you in my life to show me new things, teach me how to cook, taking Brian and I on special trips to make sure we were always learning and making it fun, AND for showing me the importance of family. I’m sorry we can’t be together to celebrate today but you are an amazing grandmother and an even better great grandmother, and you deserve all the happiness on your birthday! 

Lots of love,


Thank you for planning a wonderful surprise party for your Mom. I can’t believe that she will be 90 next month.

I was part of the SVNP for a number of years in the late ’90s and early 2000s. What I remember most about your Mom was that she was a gracious host whenever we had a meeting at their Wayland home, always interested in what I was doing, and kind in her comments on my photos.

Please tell her that i send her a virtual hug.

Tom Arnold

Hello Betsy – we’re still reeling at the news that you soon will be 90 years young!!!  I know you to be a wonderful person, warm, friendly, caring, and an excellent musician.  How I love to sit next to you in Chorus (Brenda) because you always get it right!!  

This is a strange time to celebrate a birthday, but we do wish you a wonderful time and can’t wait until the time comes when we can give you a real birthday hug, and make music together.  Until then, we wish you a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Very best from us both,

Andrew & Brenda

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